特殊:UserLogin » Template and LifeType Object

Template and LifeType Object

出自LifeType 中文文件計畫

在2006年4月4日 (二) 12:05由Forlife (對話 | 貢獻)所做的修訂版本
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How to create new template sets

當查看模版文件時, 你會發現類似: {$post->getTopic()}, {$calendar} 或是 {$utils->postPermalink($post)}的東西. 這些全都是輸出給模版使用的特殊物件. 以下是基本模版能使用的物件以及所有模版都能使用的物件的簡介:



$posts: 首頁所使用文章的陣列.


$post: 當前顯示的文章. * $comments: 當前文章的評論的陣列(comments)

$prevpost: 上一篇文章的物件, 如果存在(原文: A post object representing the next post in the database, if any).

$nextpost: 下一篇文章的物件, 如果存在(原文: Another post object representing now the previous post in the database, if any).


$post: 正在評論(comment on)的文章.


$post: 正在獲取trackback的文章.

$trackbacks: 當前文章的trackbacks的物件陣列.


$message: 一條錯誤訊息的字符串(String).










$blog: An object containing information about the current blog, such as the name and description. $locale: Provides methods to translate strings based on the current locale. It also formats dates and numbers.

$calendar: A string containing HTML code representing the calendar. It can be customized via CSS stylesheets.

$archives: An array representing links to the archives. Each item represents a valid url pointing to the archives for that month. Archives are sorted chronologically, newest first, by months.

$recentposts: An array of post objects that contains the most recent posts made in the blog.

$articlecategories: An array of category objects with all the different categories availables.

$mylinks: Cotains a list with all the links that have been set up for this blog.

$utils: Provides commodity methods to generate urls and other information.

$rss: An RSS aggregator. See PLog 1.0/How to use the RSS aggregator for more information on this object.

Finally, it is also advisable to have a look at one of the template sets that comes with the main distribution of pLog.